Monday, September 07, 2009

semi-multi talented

This perfect weather has only one thing missing.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Tartare nights make me smile :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nobody, nobody but you

Monday, How soon is now? And how about some Ox brain Mr. Kebab?

Tuesday, Different? Good. More soon. :)

Ox brain Monday and Steakhouse Tuesday, FTW. <3

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Four years ago...

Oh hai there.

Thank you for lunch. :)

See you soon?

Thursday, June 04, 2009

The big decision

Well, that's what they have been saying during the orientation this morning. It's the biggest decision we've made so far. And I think I'm considering as one of my biggest decision as well. IT INVOLVES THREE YEARS OF STUDY STUDY STUDY AND TWO MORE YEARS OF WORK WORK WORK.

Lord, please make this work. Let me stay here. HAHA In some weird way, even if I want to stay in a place where the luxurious lives, I really want to be away from the comfort zone to learn some more.


Because I do have a DEADline to me. T___T

So far, it has been good. I've met some people. I'm not planning to do any damage. And I plan to work HARD. Oh, and let's not forget the part where I wish I get to know everyone else, and by that I mean more than a 100 people. HAHAHA

As they say: Use your resources wisely. AND study harder. :P

Another day tomorrow :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Karma chameleon

Karma has its own way of kicking your butt and saying "Girl/Boy, you're an asshole". HAHAHA

Might make a photo dump of yesterday's Hi5 watching in Greenbelt. :D

Sunday, May 17, 2009

You're so last summer

It's weird, I just noticed now. My last Polyvore entry and this Polyvore entry both have flowers. So much so for filling the page.

And I'm currently having a tummy ache, so I guess it's much better that I haven't gone out yet. I wonder where I got this I've only had cereal before I got this tummy ache. :s It does suck a bit, plus the fact that I can't go swimming til a few more days. T___T Summer is a complete bummer for me. And I'm really hoping that I'd have an 8-5 schedule by June. Else, it's OSY for me.

I guess sometimes, I just need to learn how to choose my friends well. For some reason, I don't get the point of seeing someone fail at something.

My thoughts are so unorganized. Anyway, I thought of doing an extended Polyvore here. Cos I've been to lazy to put a description on my Polyvore account. So I'll do it here instead. Ok, here here:

  1. I got the Ted Lapidus french vanilla gold oversized 70's glasses cos it looks so vintage, and I think it goes well with the outfit. The colors not that loud or anything. And because I best think square glasses fit me well.
  2. Then the white/blue WeSC Oboe headphones, though they don't really match my black iPod, I think they be too useful during the summer.
  3. OMG. I didn't really so much that these Gap Bermuda's were from the kid's section. Anyway, I'm into Bermuda's right now. Since it's summer and because they make my legs look the longest. HAHA And because it's too comfortable to be in Bermuda's. ;)
  4. No reason behind the Topshop shirt. I just love their fabric.
  5. Er.. A 30" Silver Lunaria Dollar. HAHA
  6. I just love so much stuffs from Eruca, and that's basically it.
  7. Please refer to #6.
  8. I was thinking of Lady Gaga when I chose this Poker Necklace by Kim & Maki. HAHA
  9. The Vintage ring did the job of filling up the empty space between Ted Lapidus & the Oboe.
  10. H&M rocks for simplicity.
  11. Like #7, you could refer to #10.
  12. A summer essential. Fine it's heavy, but what can I really do. Photoholics. O_O
  13. Wanting. HAHA Too bad they don't have the Jack Black Diana F+ anymore. I want that so much more.
  14. Another summer essential. Well, more of night essentials. For my owl mode. My iFish + 21/Dashboard Confessional rocks me to sleep.

PS. I need to get myself checked. I forget things quite too easily.